Purchase #1! Made today (day 'o labor) outside of the Met grocery store in Park Slope. As hoped (who knew the odds, it was a vending machine that distributed random toys!), a sticky green hand!

We outsource sticky hand manufacturing nowadays.

I then got to the playing. When I was little, as I might have mentioned, I would throw sticky hands against car windows. Now, I throw them on Picasso's "Guernica." Movin' on up!

When I was young, I would also gleefully throw sticky hands onto the ceiling, thinking it immense fun to have my parents retrieve a ladder to fetch them back down. My ceiling sticky hand stickage would result in the confiscation of my sticky hands. But it was worth it.
Now that I have to climb to unstick sticky hands from the ceiling myself, I have realized, in retrospect, that I was kind of an asshole.

Purchase #1 in the Amassed Purchases Box (APB).
Some other things that APB stands for:
- Accounting Principles Board (accountants)
- All Points Bulletin (law enforcers)
- Advanced Peripheral Bus (Advanced Microcontroller Bus architects)
- Atrial Premature Beat (abnormal hearts)
- Anti Pass Back (parking management and really lame club bouncers)